Dressing your baby for sleep can be confusing! Parents can be stressed about this topic because babies who are too cold or too hot don’t sleep well. Also, it’s not safe for a baby to get overheated. So what should parents do?

What is the best temperature for baby sleep?

Regardless of the season, the AAP recommends keeping the room temperature between 68-72 degrees. While every house may feel a little different, somewhere in this range is typically comfortable. If the room is in this temperature range you can usually do long-sleeves with a sleep sack or swaddle. I often find the temperature reading on baby monitors are inaccurate, so don’t worry if it’s reading a temperature outside the recommended range. You should go more by what you are setting the thermostat to and if the room feels comfortable to you. 

What to dress your baby in for sleep


Spring brings unpredictable temperatures, making layering essential. Dress your baby in a long-sleeved onesie and a lighter sleep sack for cooler nights. If your baby’s room starts to get on the warmer side you may want to do a short-sleeve onesie. Always check the room temperature to determine the most suitable sleep attire. 


In warmer months, focus on keeping your baby cool. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics like bamboo or cotton to regulate their body temperature. Consider dressing your baby in a light sleep sack to prevent overheating. In particularly warm rooms, a diaper or thin onesie under the sleep sack or swaddle may suffice.


As temperatures start to drop, transition to slightly warmer sleep attire. Choose long-sleeved onesies paired with cozy sleep sacks for just the right amount of warmth. Pay attention to room temperature and adjust layers accordingly.


During colder months, layer up to keep your baby warm without causing overheating. Opt for snug-fitting, long-sleeved onesies along with footed pajamas and a sleep sack. The AAP does not recommend for newborns to wear hats while sleeping. You can find this information as well as other safe sleep tips HERE.

How do you know if your baby is too cold or too hot at night?

To figure out if your baby is a comfortable temperature, feel your baby’s core (chest, back, stomach). The only exposed skin is often the hands and the head. Don’t go by what your baby’s hands feel like. Babies have less blood flow to their limbs (arms, hands, legs and feet) so it is normal for those areas to feel colder. If your baby’s core feels warm that is perfect! If your baby’s core or hair is sweaty they are too hot and if their core is cold they are too cold! In general, you should dress your baby similarly to what you would want to wear to bed if you weren’t sleeping with a blanket.

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